Cannabis infusions, from hemp and marijuana flower.
Developed a high quality good return kitchen technique for infusing whole cannabis flower into coconut oil and ghee.
1. 2.) Smoking and vaping are 2 versions of one way of ingestion cannabis. Adding infusion as an herbal tonic brings 3 other pathways for cannabinoids to be used in wellness therapies.
3.) Sublingual. Simply hold a small amount under your tongue for this traditional ingestion. Cannabinoids are delivered directly to the bloodstream through the vast microscopic network of capillaries under your tongue. And delivered to the brainstem on it’s way to the liver.
4.) Ingest by swallowing or using in your food. Cannabinoids are digested and processed by the liver, altered to a stronger version, and delivered through the bloodstream.
5.) Topical. Use the oil directly on hot spots, wounds, to soothe sores and rash. I use it to treat psoriasis. Diluted, you can use it for a general massage oil. This is the best kept secret of cannabis medicine. Cannabis absorbed by the skin and released over a period of time. If you use it head to toe, you can reach cannabinoid saturation quite easily for high therapeutic results.
Why should I? There is legion of study in the many ways herbal cannabis can be vital to your wellness and health. Follow your own path. Inquire. Search for ways to care for yourself. No physician or care taker can give you more than the decisions and self care you can practice.